Farm environment.
The Stewart Family have a long term ambitious and visionary goal to set new standards in agricultural practices to plant the farmland in contoured native woodlots to enhance an abundance of wildlife, create kidneys for the environment, complete with manmade wetlands, sediment traps, nutrient interceptor beds and innovative ecological engineering for water flow harvesting that will create habitat breeding grounds.
The entire farm has an environmental plan, has regular open days and relationships with both environmental and Iwi groups.
All these innovations will assist the Stewart Family in the quest to lower the farms emissions intensity and carbon footprint.
Over 12,000 native trees have been planted in sensitive catchments over the last 10 years alone.
Recently a wetland has been created and an original reserved bush block enhanced with a walking track cleared to enable an appreciation of what some of the pre European land scape looked like.
The farm policy includes planting 1000 trees per year.
The fertiliser used on our land is sourced from a New Zealand cooperative company, which provides fertilisers that help improve the fertility of our soil and the quality of our crops and livestock.
Our farms receive approximately 1000mm of rainfall per annum.
We care about:
Sustainable and healthy environment.
Community development.
Manufacturing infrastructure, ensuring quality and safety for our consumer.
Pasture grazed farms and welfare of animals.
Our operations recycle water to flood wash the milking yard, which reduces the use of fresh water for pasture irrigation. We believe that water is a natural resource that can be recycled.